Your dog wants a deep tissue massage.
Think about it. Your dog is pretty low to the ground. Easier balance, safer around helicopters. Good with skateboards. You are a relative giant. Ever watch how dogs hold their heads up when people are around, just to see better? And mostly just to see YOU better? That’s a...
Tech Support- Reviving a depleted cell battery.
I recently encountered a first-world crisis of the first order and seemingly killed my cell battery. The entire internet that could be accessed in a 10-minute search could NOT solve my problem! So for the sake of testing Google and seeing if I can weasel any page views out...
Election 2024: still a worse love story than ‘Twilight’.
For reference: the hopefully final (for now) word on the Ten Commandments in Louisiana classrooms These religious pushes – still the Bible thing left in Oklahoma – are notable for being conservative policy actions aimed *not* at minorities, but at minor faiths. Muslims. Jews. Hindu. And this is not...
It’s all downhill from here: Projecting select outcomes of Trump 2
We should establish at the outset that I’m already operating at a deficit. I made the same Pollyanna assumption that a sufficient number of voters – evidenced by 2020’s turnout for a coot – were motivated by the reasoned want to overcome fascism. I was wrong. One bright side...
Son, I am disappoint.
I foolishly thought Trump would exit the White House and step directly into federal custody. I still don’t know why that never happened. I foolishly thought his convictions would disqualify him from candidacy. I still don’t understand why there have been so few. I foolishly thought principle would overcome...
This is ostensibly what I do.
My nickel is on a Harris win, very possibly with room to spare. But to preface today’s remarks with some context: This could be the closest presidential election since 1876 A lot of state poll results show ties. So are they tied because of voters — or pollsters? There...
“No Outside Food” At Movie Theaters Is A Racist Policy.
It just is. There was an article in The Guardian about movie theater pricing that triggered some PTSD flashbacks. The sensationalism of the theater economy slowly collapsing is fun to watch and makes for a better show, but it’s always worth shining a light on how theater companies can...
On the Day After- The Left’s Plan Takes Shape
The abbreviated campaign season afforded to Kamala Harris due to the late exit of Joe Biden – and of course the exit of the frontrunner after all but securing the nomination – creates two immediate needs for the Harris campaign. The first they have already attended to, in securing...
A New Landscape, But On Old Ground: Harris v. Trump
There is every possibility that Joe Biden would have been able to beat Donald Trump. His miserable performance in the debate made that outcome less definite to be sure, but it did not erase the possibility entirely. Prior to the debate, my certain prediction was that Trump would lose....
My Superhero Name is Unpopular Opinionman*
Watching The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight, there’s a visceral thrill in seeing the moral centers of the Left going into a very me-like rage mode at the state of the world. The sense that the universe is catching up, that reality is catching on, that words can...