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Meet John Doe + Citizen Kane
Compare and contrast the depictions of newspapers, journalists, the masses (newspaper readers/voters/citizens), politicians and/or big business in Citizen Kane and Meet John Doe. Identify the common themes and differences in the ways the films portray these subjects and try to draw some conclusions about the directors’ visions of journalism and politics in the...
The assignment was to use black paper shapes on a white board to convey, for lack of a better term, art. Feeling, impression, narrative, conflict, something internal to us and conveyed by construction paper. I wanted no part of it. I wanted to overcome technical and creative...
Cat Scratch Fever
The last assignment of the previous module was an extra credit piece- use Excel to build a ‘binary calculator’ that would convert 8-char binary to numeric values. Mine could have been more polished if i’d had more time on it, but as it was it was still spectacular for...
English Final- Technological Immunity
Essay 3: Technological Immunity In 2015, fourteen people in Bakersfield were gunned down by a couple that had pledged allegiance to a terrorist organization. Afterwards, part of the story was the inability of investigators to access the killers’ phones for potential evidence (Nakashima). A similar circumstance has arisen...
PoliSci Final- John Stuart Mill
Final | Why Read Mill Today? (John Skorupski) The object of this essay is to assert one very simple principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with...
Making Galactic Empire Great Again: A Post-Colonial Exploration
Making Galactic Empire Great Again: A Post-Colonial Exploration of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and Earth Isaac Asimov wrote Foundation and Earth in 1985 as what would be the final chronological volume in his series of “Foundation” novels, begun in 1942. For inspiration, he credited his reading of Decline...
Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt
Reading Response 4: Two Ways A Woman Can Get Hurt Jean Kilbourne’s thesis is that the objectifying influence of advertising is destructive to women’s self-image. She is entirely right, and the problem is in some ways worse than she describes. Unfortunately, she writes with a clear bias that...
The Essentials of a Good Education
Essay 1: The Essentials of a Good Education For 12 years, I was dulled into submission by the public school systems of Chicago and Los Angeles. I endured statewide standardized testing applied on top of the quizzes, midterms, and finals my subjects required on their own. My...